I’ve created this page for hackers to social engineer my accounts. From here you can get things like where I went to school and my mother’s maiden name. Or if you’re not a hacker, this is just a place to see who am I. Actually I don’t think I’ll post that much information. But I am a board certified ophthalmologist practicing in the Lehigh Valley. I started practice in 1990 and currently I’m the leader of the Moran Eye Associates today. In addition to my medical career, I have also have established a computer business that has created iPhone apps, designed and maintained web pages, video sites, network maintenance, server maintenance: OIWebhost.com. I’ve established my office as a practice ahead of the curve when it comes to technology. We installed electronic medical records in 1990, 12 years before the government thought computers may have some “meaningful use“. I have also co-founded a medical media marketing company which I currently provide consulting work.
Here’s some other stuff I’ve done:
- University of Scranton, 1978-82
- Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine, 1982-1986
- Internship – Hospital of the Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine, 1987
- Residency – Hospital of the Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine, 1988 – 1990
- Social Media and Medicine – DeSales University, 2014
- Healthcare Informatics Certification – Drexel University, 2015
- Masters Degree in Healthcare Informatics – Drexel University, 2016-2017
Professional Organizations
- Member, Osteopathic College of Ophthalmology and Otolaryngology
- Member, ASCRS, American College of Refractive and Cataract Surgeons
- Member, American Osteopathic Association
- Member, Pennsylvania Osteopathic Medical Association
- Member, AOAMI, American Osteopathic Association Medical Informatics
- Member, AMIA, American Medical Informatics Association
- Member, AAO, American Academy of Ophthalmologists
Professional Experience
- Currently a full-time eye physician and surgeon practicing in Allentown, PA since July 1990
- Owner, Moran Eye Associates, P.C.
- Associate Clinical Professor, Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine
- Chief Clinical Investigator, “A Double-Blind Prospective Evaluation of ketorolac in the treatment of pain associated with corneal abrasions and the effect on healing”
- Past Chief of Ophthalmology St. Luke’s Hospital – Allentown
- Former President of Lehigh Valley Laser Vision Correction Institute
- Past President of the Comprehensive Eye Network of the Lehigh Valley
- Lecturer at local high schools and the Da Vinci Center of Allentown
- Past preceptor Philadelphia College of Optometry
- Multiple appearances on Talk with Your Doctor
- Past Vice-President of the Surgery Center of Allentown
- Designer of the Moran Corneal Flap Lifter
- Official LASIK doctor and ophthalmologist of the IronPigs baseball team
- Producer of Movietracker the iPhone app (no longer supported)
- Past Medical Director of the Surgery Center of Allentown
- Consultant for Carelink Communications
- Websites
- Marketing
- Social Media
- Owner OIWebhost – computer development/support
- Board of Directors – Logan’s Heroes Animal Rescue
- Vice-Chairman of the Pennsylvania Osteopathic Medical Association Technology Committee
- Lyft Driver
- Pennsylvania RAMP certified
- CompTIA A+ certified
Staff Privileges
- Courtesy Staff St. Luke’s Hospital, Allentown-Bethlehem, PA
- Pennsylvania State Medical License
- North Carolina State Medical License
- Delaware State Medical License
- National Board of Osteopathic Medical Examiners
- Osteopathic Board of Ophthalmology and Otolaryngology Board Certified September 1995
- Fellow of Osteopathic Board of Ophthalmology, 2011